Introduction to Scientific Writing WS2021/22
(SE, 706.015 Introduction to Scientific Working; ISDS Group Boehm)

Starting from WS2020/21, the seminar course scientific writing is offered in decentralized form by the individual institutes and research groups in order to allow specialization and load balancing across institutes. While we would recommend to take this course together with the actual bachelor thesis (if the bachelor thesis is or will be done at our group), we also offer this seminar as an independent 2 ECTS course in traditional seminar form. In both forms, this course is given exclusively in Englisch language but questions or other communication in German are fine as well.


In detail, the course covers three introductory lectures, a reading and writing project, and a final oral presentation of the project. All slides will be made available prior to the individual lectures. The lectures will start October 28 in purely virtual form (via

  • 01 Structure of Scientific Papers [Oct 28, 6.15pm, optional, pdf, pptx]
  • 02 Scientific Reading and Writing [Nov 04, 6pm, optional, pdf, pptx]
  • 03 Experiments, Reproducibility, and Projects [Nov 11, 6pm, optional, pdf, pptx]
  • 04 Project Presentations [Jan 13, 6pm, mandatory]

Paper Projects

Teams of one to four persons pick from a given list of papers or groups of papers, write a short summary paper (with a number of pages equals to twice the team size), and finally, give a 7-minute presentation. The individual papers should be written in LaTeX, use the ACM acmart template (document-class sigconf), and be submitted via email as PDF documents.

If the course is taken together with the bachelor thesis, no paper or presentation is necessary, but the bachelor thesis results should be presented in a 60-minute talk to the DAMS Lab team members.


  • Lecturer: Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Boehm, ISDS
  • Teaching Assistant: M.Sc. Shafaq Siddiqi, ISDS
  • Paper Project selection: Nov 11, 11.59pm
  • Paper submission: Dec 23, 11.59pm
  • Final presentation: Jan 13, 6pm
  • Grading: pass/fail (paper, presentation)