Data Management SS2021
(INF.01017UF VO, INF.02018UF KU, 706.010 VU)

This course covers, primarily from a user perspective, foundations of database systems in terms of design and data modeling, query languages and APIs, physical design, query and transaction processing, as well as foundations of modern, distributed data management and analysis. Thus, the course consists of two main parts: (a) database systems, and (b) modern data management. Due to different course types and ECTS schemes, INF.01017UF includes lectures of parts (a) and (b), INF.02018UF includes exercises of parts (a) and (b), while 706.010 includes lectures and exercises of part (a) only.


In detail, the course covers the following topics, which also reflects the course calendar. All slides will be made available prior to the individual lectures.

A: Database Systems

  • 01 Introduction and Overview [Mar 01, pdf, pptx]
  • 02 Conceptual Architecture and Design [Mar 08, pdf, pptx]
  • 03 Data Models and Normalization [Mar 15, pdf, pptx]
  • 04 Relational Algebra and Tuple Calculus [Mar 22, pdf, pptx]
  • 05 Query Languages (SQL, XML, JSON) [Apr 12, pdf, pptx]
  • 06 APIs (ODBC, JDBC, OR frameworks) [Apr 19, pdf, pptx]
  • 07 Physical Design and Tuning [Apr 26, pdf, pptx]
  • 08 Query Processing [May 03, pdf, pptx]
  • 09 Transaction Processing and Concurrency [May 10, pdf, pptx]

B: Modern Data Management

  • 10 NoSQL (key-value, document, graph) [May 31, pdf, pptx]
  • 11 Distributed Storage and Data Analysis [Jun 07, pdf, pptx]
  • 12 Data Stream Processing Systems [Jun 14, pdf, pptx]


The lectures are accompanied by mandatory exercises for gaining practical experience. This year's application domain are the Summer Olympics 1896 through 2016.

A: Database Systems

B: Modern Data Management


  • Lecturer: Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Boehm, M.Tech. Arnab Phani, ISDS
  • Teaching Assistants: Christian Blöcher, Nives Križanec, Artem Kroviakov, Thomas Mühlbacher, Ema Salkić, Harald Semmelrock
  • Final written exams: June 30 (DM, DB); July 05 (2x, DM, DB); Sep 16 (DM/DB)
  • Grading 706.010: 30% exercises (mandatory), 70% final exam
  • Exercises: passed, if total points ≥ 50% and all submitted